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As we all know, summer’s a great time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather with our pets, but we need to make sure we’re doing it safely. Here are 5 tips from your Jacksonville veterinarian to help keep the summer fun for you and your pet.

1. Beat the Heat

Like people, pets can suffer from heat stroke. Unlike us, though, dogs and cats don’t cool off primarily through sweating. When they get hot, they pant, but panting isn’t always enough to bring down their body temperature. This puts our pets at higher risk for heatstroke, or elevated core body temperature, a dangerous, potentially life-threatening condition.

So what causes heat stroke in dogs and cats?

  • Being outside in hot temperatures, especially on sunny days without access to shade or water
  • Exercising (including just walking) during the heat of the day
  • Being stuck in a hot car, even with the windows cracked

Heat stroke can be life-threatening, especially if not caught and treated quickly. Call us immediately if you think your pet may be suffering from heat stroke.

Brachycephalic pets (those with short noses or flat faces, such as boxers, bulldogs, pugs, Persians, Himalayans, and Burmese cats), overweight pets, seniors, puppies and kittens, pets with dark skin or fur, and those with certain medical conditions are at higher risk of heat stroke.

Pets with heat stroke may show the following signs:

  • Panting rapidly
  • Salivating or excessive drooling
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness or agitation
  • Trouble breathing
  • Glassy eyes
  • Bright red gums
  • Confusion
  • Collapse

To prevent heat stroke in your pet:

  • Make sure your pet has access to shade and plenty of room temperature (not cold) water to drink.
  • Consider exercising your pet in the morning or evening, when the temperature is lower.
  • Stay in the shade when possible, and avoid hot surfaces. If you can’t leave your hand or foot on a sidewalk or concrete for 5 to 10 seconds, then your pet’s paw pads can’t take the heat either.
  • Never leave your pet alone in a car, even on days that don’t seem that warm. When it’s only 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside, the inside of your car can climb to almost 100 degrees in just 20 minutes! On a 90-degree day, your car’s interior will reach almost 120 degrees in that same time. Cracking the windows makes very little difference.

2. Keep Pets Out of Summer Toxins

Several kinds of poisons can spell trouble for pets if they get into them:

  • Fertilizers and pesticides, for instance, often cause relatively mild gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, but can be more problematic if large amounts are consumed or if they contain iron or other worrisome ingredients.
  • Mulch can cause a blockage inside a pet’s GI system, and cocoa bean mulch can potentially cause vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle tremors if the product contains enough theobromine and caffeine (the same chemicals in chocolate that are toxic to pets) or if a pet eats a large amount.
  • Bait, even in small amounts, can cause tremors, seizures, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, and other serious signs. Depending on the kind of bait, ingestion by a pet can be deadly.
  • Most herbicides tend to be less of a concern, as long as the product is applied correctly and pets are kept off the yard or other treated area until the product dries completely. Follow label instructions, and be sure to dilute any runoff.

Keep the following products well out of reach or ideally locked away from pets, and keep pets away from areas where the products are being used: pesticides, rodenticides like mole and gopher bait, snail and slug bait, mulch, herbicides, and fertilizers that contain iron or bone, blood, or feather meal. Even products that are less toxic to pets can cause serious symptoms if a pet consumes a lot at one time. Close and properly dispose of used containers.

If you have a free-roaming cat, consider using pet-safe alternatives where possible or removing weeds by hand rather than using herbicides, for instance.

Call us right away if you think your pet has consumed something toxic. During off-hours, you can call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435 or Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661 (a fee may be charged).

3. Be Aware of Toxic Plants

Certain plants pose a risk to pets as well. Some may only cause GI issues, but others can be life-threatening. Plants to keep your pet away from include:

  • Rhubarb (leaves)
  • Tomato (the plants and unripe fruit, or green tomatoes)
  • Onions, garlic, and chives
  • Potato (both the leaves and raw potatoes)
  • Lilies (many varieties are extremely toxic to cats)
  • Sago palm (very deadly for dogs)

For more information on toxic plants, please give us a call or consult these sites:

4. Watch out for Poisonous Creatures

This time of year, there are plenty of stinging insects, snakes, and other creatures that can cause problems for pets. Be on the lookout for beehives, wasp nests, venomous snakes, and cane toads around your home and in places where you visit or vacation with your pet. If your pet gets stung or bitten (or if you suspect he or she has bitten a cane toad), don’t wait for an allergic reaction or other symptoms. Call us right away! A sting or bite can become life-threatening within minutes.

5. Watch Your Pets at Cookouts

Attending a cookout or picnic with your 4-legged friend can be fun, but it can quickly turn into an emergency if your pet consumes any food that can be dangerous, like corn cobs, avocado pits, whole stone fruits like peaches and cherries, watermelon (rinds and seeds), meat with bones, food on skewers, onions, grapes, or raisins. Keep your pet away from the food, especially if you know he or she tends to eat food off the ground or sneak treats from tables.

Your Jacksonville Vet Can Help

If you have questions about keeping your pet safe this summer, please give us a call. We’re here for you and your pet!