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Giving your pet food off your plate may seem like an act of love, but unfortunately, sharing certain foods can have deadly consequences. All pet owners should be aware of which human foods are harmful or life-threatening for their pets to avoid emergency trips to the vet.

Top Five Worst Foods for Pets

Many foods that are toxic to pets vary based on the animal’s breed, size, and weight. Please speak with a trusted veterinarian, like our Jacksonville Community Pet Clinic team, to learn more important information about your pet’s diet.

1. Chocolate
Some foods are notoriously bad for household animals. At the top of the list is chocolate. Chocolate contains substances called methylxanthines, which are pharmacologic agents like caffeine and theobromine that are highly toxic to animals. Not all chocolates are created equally, with white chocolate having the lowest level of methylxanthines. In contrast, darker chocolates, like baking chocolate, have the highest levels, making them the most dangerous. A sweet treat to us is incredibly dangerous to our furry friends, so always keep chocolate away from your pets.

2. Grapes or Raisins
Another deadly snack is grapes or raisins. Vets still aren’t sure what the exact substance inside the fruit makes it so toxic for animals, but grapes and raisins have been known to cause kidney failure in dogs.

3. Avocados
Avocados are another everyday household staple to keep away from your pet’s mouth. Inside an avocado is a fungicidal toxin called persin, which can harm cats and dogs. Additionally, the pit is a dangerous choking hazard.

4. Dairy Products
Dairy products might seem like an easy treat for a hungry pet, but unfortunately, a lot of pets don’t have the proper enzyme within their digestive system that is needed to break down milk or other dairy products. Pets can experience tummy troubles after eating dairy, like diarrhea or excessive gas.

5. Alcohol
Consuming alcohol can be very dangerous for pets. Alcohol has a much more potent impact on animals than humans, which means even a tiny amount can create a world of trouble for your furry companion. Pets can experience alcohol poisoning, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, seizures, and a coma in severe cases.

It requires a lot of vigilance to prevent your pet from eating something they shouldn’t, so to make things easier, store all food in a hard-to-reach area like a pantry or cabinet. You can also train your pet to stop begging for peace of mind during mealtime.

Dog at vet

What To Do if Your Pet Consumes Human Food

If you suspect your pet got into something they shouldn’t have, immediately call the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Hotline at (888) 426-4435. It’s important to know what exactly they ate to understand the situation, so do some investigating to determine the temptation. If you’re unsure, immediately bring your pet to a veterinarian to be closely monitored.

Sometimes, pets can eat a small amount of toxic food and be fine, while they might have a severe reaction in other cases. Avoid thinking, “My dog ate that once, and they’re okay, so they can probably have a little more.” Your pet’s life is worth more than a convenient snack, so never feed your pet food they shouldn’t eat.

Your Pet’s Health is Our Top Priority

At Jacksonville Community Pet Clinics, we understand that food is a big part of an animal’s life. While it can nourish their body or be a positive training tool, it can also cause serious harm. The next time you bring your pet in for a checkup, ask us how you can improve their diet to make them happier and healthier.