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The notion of letting your furry companion sleep in the bed alongside you has been a topic of debate among animal lovers. Some folks can’t stand the thought of sharing their sacred space, while other people can’t imagine falling asleep without their purring cat or loyal dog beside them.

There are valid points to both sides of the conversation; ultimately, deciding what to do at bedtime is up to you. Our team at the Jacksonville Community Pet Clinic wants you to be able to make an informed decision, so we’re sharing the pros and cons of sharing the bed with your pet.

Advantages of Co-Sleeping with Your Pet

People who wake up on the pro-sleeping-with-your-pet side of the bed will likely share the following advantages.

People and pets who suffer from anxiety and loneliness can find comfort in not being alone at night. By sharing the bed, you can also strengthen your bond with your animal companion. Those crucial elements can make the sleeping arrangement a no-brainer for some folks.

Some pet owners firmly believe their sleep quality improves when their loyal pet is by their side. It can be soothing to fall asleep to a familiar purr or breath. Studies have also shown that interacting with pets can “increase oxytocin levels in adults and reduce cortisol levels in children, which are associated with relaxation and stress reduction.”

Sharing the bed isn’t just good for your health and sleep quality – it can also help your pet get a better night’s sleep!

If you’re worried about your pet getting into trouble in the middle of the night, inviting them onto the bed can provide peace of mind. While some pets might get up to no good during the night, others might disrupt your sleep by scratching or whining outside your door. Consider sharing the bed with your pet to eliminate distractions at night.

Cat Cuddling

Disadvantages of Sharing the Bed with Your Pet

Anyone who wakes up on the anti-sleeping-with-your-pet side of the bed will agree more with the following considerations.

Pets aren’t always the cleanest creatures. For some people, the thought of sharing their fresh sheets with dirty paws is a nightmare. Even if you regularly bathe or groom your pet, they might introduce parasites like ticks or fleas into your bed.

People prone to pet allergens will likely shut the door on their pet at bedtime. Allergies are exacerbated by exposure to pet dander, fur, and oils, so it can be worse to expose yourself to those while you sleep. Allergies are the most common health concern between pets and their owners, but other illnesses, called Zoonotic diseases, can be shared between animals and humans. Stay up to date on your pet shots and checkups to keep them (and yourself!) healthy and safe.

Light sleepers may find more sleep disturbances when they allow their pet to sleep in their bed. Animals, like people, can snore during the night or move around in the bed. Adding more creatures to the mix can lead to cramped sleeping conditions if you value your space while sleeping.

If your pet struggles with behavioral issues, sharing the bed might not be the best sleeping arrangement. Some people prefer to set a boundary with their furry friend to train them; saying “no” to sharing the bed can be one of them. Seek counsel from a trusted veterinarian to learn more about combatting behavioral issues.

Dog Bed

Which Option is Right for You

Ultimately, deciding where your animal friend should sleep is up to you and your family. If you are interested in other options, you can explore crate training to provide a safe space for your pet.

Don’t lose any sleep over the decision of where your pet should get their rest. If you’re unsure what arrangement is best for you, consult our experienced team at the Jacksonville Community Pet Clinic. We won’t rest until we give you the help you need.