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Have you ever had a particularly rough day at work, only to come home to the one being on this planet who could not be any happier to see you? From the moment you reach down to pet your fur baby, your body starts to release hormones that make you feel good, like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. In fact, studies show that just making eye contact with your dog releases oxytocin, which is also known as the love hormone. These hormones not only make us feel good, but actually boost our immune system at the same time. Talk about a win-win!

Having a Pet Improves Mood, Lowers Stress, and Eases Loneliness

Giving Fido or Miss Kitty a pet not only increases your feel-good hormones, it also decreases the stress hormone called cortisol–the main culprit in making you feel stressed or anxious. Plus, pets force us to develop healthy routines and set schedules for feeding, grooming, and exercising. These tasks, in turn, are ideal for people struggling with anxiety or depression because they offer and important feeling of control, stability, and predictability. Studies also show that when children take responsibility for some of a pet’s care, it helps them build healthy relationships throughout life. Equally important, pet owners feel less alone compared to people who don’t own pets.

Man with his Dog

You don’t need a veterinarian to tell you that pets are very good at reading your body language, which is why it’s not uncommon for a dog or cat to seek attention when you’re feeling particularly blue. That’s why they want to touch you and have you touch them. Physically, this contact helps lower your blood pressure and reduce heart rate as well. Plus, you can talk to your pets with an honesty that you might not be willing to share with a friend or family member. They are a judgement-free and unconditionally loving friend to confide in.

Pet Ownership Also Has Physical Benefits

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, pets can help keep you young. Having a pet, especially a dog, often means increased physical activity for you. You might not want to take a walk but your dog requires it. They’re the perfect excuse-proof daily dose of exercise. Likewise, the American Heart Association touts dog ownership as a way of warding off cardiovascular disease.

Lady hiking with a dog

As people age, pet ownership becomes even more important to overall mental and physical health. Pets can help boost vitality as they encourage us to laugh, feel playful, and exercise, which boosts immunity and increases energy levels. We see it all the time in our veterinarian practice that when an elderly person brings home a new companion, they report feeling happy and needed by their new companion.

Alzheimer’s patients often exhibit a variety of behavioral problems related to the inability to deal with stress. Research at the University of California at Davis has concluded that Alzheimer’s patients suffer from less stress and have fewer anxious outbursts if there is a dog or cat in the home. Pets have a soothing effect and can decrease aggressive behavior, while at the same time, help ease the stress caregivers also feel.

Fido Might Be Your Best Weight Loss Plan, Too

A year-long study at the Wellness Institute at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago found that people and pets who were obese both benefit from daily dog walking. Dogs provide a similar support as having a human walking buddy, but are more consistent in their need to walk and do so without any negative influence or pressure. A similar study at the Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction found that people who walked dogs for up to 20 minutes five days a week lost an average of 14.4 pounds in a year without ever changing their diets.

Any Pet Can Help Improve Your Health

Don’t want a dog or cat due to allergies? Maybe a bunny rabbit is a better fit for you. Are you afraid of dogs for any reason? Perhaps a bird could be your valued companion. Even watching fish in an aquarium can help reduce tension and lower your pulse rate. Whatever pet you choose, chances are very good that if you are over the age of 65, you’ll require 30 percent fewer visits to the doctor than your counterparts without pets.

At Jacksonville Community Pet Clinics, our veterinarians can help guide you, whether you’re bringing your first pet home or adopting your 10th fur baby. Together, we’ll help them stay happy and healthy and they, in turn, will do the same for you.