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If you’re a dog owner, chances are you’ve been in this situation: You just sat down to eat, and no more than arm’s length away is a pair of wide, pleading eyes that might also be accompanied by a bark, whine, or cry. You’re torn. You love your pet, so you want to make them happy. And what’s just a little bit of food off your plate, right?

But think again. Giving food to your dog, even a little bit, rewards them for begging. They know you love them and reward them for their behavior with pets and treats. They see you giving them food as a reward for whatever begging behavior they are exhibiting. It creates a cycle.

First Things First: Your Dog Isn’t Hungry

While their performance might be Oscar-worthy, any well-cared-for pet probably isn’t hungry. He is fed regularly, usually on time if you’re a good doggie parent, and gets lots of love and treats for good behavior. When you start rewarding your dog for bad behavior in the same way, it’s not only confusing for your pet but also a dangerous precedent to start and one that can be very hard to stop.

Many Table Scraps Aren’t Good for Your Pet

Does your dog want a taste of that taco? If it has avocado on it, which contains persin, it can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Onions can cause blood cell damage and anemia in dogs. Likewise, fatty foods, like French fries, can cause pancreatitis, while some varieties of mushrooms can cause shock and, like French fries, can cause pancreatitis and kidney failure in dogs. Bottom line? Human food simply isn’t good for them. It’s too rich, often too salty and spicy, and too high in calories and fats that they don’t need. Their dog food, wet and dry, is perfectly balanced for their physiology.

Dogs who never receive table scraps have no idea what they’re missing and seldom become serial beggars. That’s why it’s best never to start the cycle of giving them human food in the first place. Be sure that those who visit you know the rules as well, so they won’t be slipping a taste under the table when you’re not looking.

How to stop dog begging

Use a “Place” Command to Divert Their Attention

One of the best ways to stop begging is to teach your dog to go to its special place while you eat. This might be their crate, a kitchen rug, or a living room dog bed. Whenever you sit down to a meal or are having a snack, tell your dog to “go to your place.” If Fido fails to heed your command, remove them from the room until you finish eating. Eventually, they will learn that their big puppy dog eyes and whining pleas do not affect you.

Feed Your Dog First

If you have a fairly regular meal schedule, a good way to divert your dog’s attention is to feed them first, then sit down for your meal. It’s best to feed your pet in a separate room from where you eat. While enjoying their kibbles or canned food, they don’t worry too much about what you might be up to. Remember, feeding times are one of the highlights of their day, and they relish that time. Another way to divert their attention is with a toy like a Kong, where they can play and receive treats simultaneously.

feed your dog to curb begging

Ignore Your Dog

While it’s hard with that steadfast stare seemingly boring a hole in you, ignoring your dog tells your pet that you will not succumb to their desires. Most pets will eventually give up and find another way to stay occupied, or simply lay down and wait until you’re done. Giving them food reinforces their bad behavior. Ignoring him tells your dog that even the most outstanding acting job does not affect you.

Put Up a Baby Gate

A baby gate is a simple barrier that can keep the begging eyes at bay, but you might need to put up with some whining and barking until Fido learns the folly of his ways. For those who don’t give up easily, a baby gate can keep them out of the area you eat. This is also effective if you have kids who like to sneak them a treat or company that doesn’t follow your house rules of no table scraps. Putting them in their crate is another effective deterrent.

Above All, Be Consistent

You can’t expect a dog to learn if you decide it’s okay one time and then not okay another. Consistency is the key to rearing dogs, just as it is in raising children, and in the end, you’ll have a well-behaved pet that people will want to be around. If you must give him table scraps (which most veterinarians don’t recommend), then put them in his bowl after you finish. Just keep in mind those dangerous foods for your dog and avoid giving them rich, overly spiced foods that can give them indigestion. You’ll have to clean it up later or pick up the tab for a vet visit.

begging dog

Over-The-Top Begging Could Be a Sign of Anxiety

Your dog might be trying to accommodate for how they felt when separated from you by giving you an over-the-top performance for attention. This could be a classic case of separation anxiety or anxiety in general. Schedule an appointment with Jacksonville Community Pet Clinic for a checkup. One of our experienced veterinarians can answer your questions and spot any issues that might be the underlying cause for excessive begging and help you treat it, giving both you and your dog some peace.