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Our clinics have experienced an increased number of dog-on-dog attacks recently. A small dog was recently brought into the beach clinic suffering from massive trauma including, but not limited, to internal lacerations. Our own Jacksonville Community Pet Clinics Dr. Courtney Whiting, assisted by Laura Lang, operated and saved the dog’s life. This prompted us to want to warn our patients and provide some tips for keeping themselves and their furry loved ones safe.

General Safety Tips 

  1. When walking your dog, take note of any “Beware of Dogs” signs. Try to be aware of which neighborhoods have dogs and how they react when you walk by. 
  2. Consider taking a sturdy stick when walking. If you are attacked, use it to distract the attack dog into biting it.
  3. NEVER pick up your dog as a means to protect it. An attacking dog will not be able to differentiate your body from that of the dog.
  4. Never attempt to break up a dog fight.  You can get badly injured.
  5. Always report when a dog is loose in your neighborhood, regardless of the dog’s behavior. Because dogs are naturally territorial, often, a dog’s aggression will progress as it feels that it has a larger area to protect. Also, by reporting a loose dog, it allows Animal Care and Control to have a history on the dog to establish means for impounding the dog should the situation warrant it.
  6. Report any bite to a human, regardless of severity.
  7. Obtain as much information as possible about the owner in the case of any dog-on-dog or dog-on-human bite.
  8. If your pet is attacked by wildlife, please report the incident as your pet could have been exposed to rabies.


Tips to Keep your Pet Safe from Other Animals


  1. Make sure fencing around your yard is secure and of sufficient height to not allow your pet to escape or others to enter.
  2. Put locks on yard gates and consider keeping pets indoors when you are away from the home.
  3. Make sure the gates from your yard and the doors from your home secure properly.
  4. Make sure you know the animals in your neighborhood and their owners. Walk the area and make sure that fences and animals are secure. Discuss concerns with your neighbors.
  5. Do not let your animals roam free. Dogs should be on a leash.
  6. Keep a close eye on your dog when in public; find a safe play situation with dogs you know.